Advancing today’s discoveries to improve health for all.

Professional Trainings

Man presenting poster to attendee

Professional Trainings

Recurring trainings for those early in their research career.

two woman looking at research documentation posted on a whiteboard

Business of Science

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and partner the Fisher College of Business Executive Education, present “The Business of Science,” a workshop designed to provide faculty researchers in the health and biomedical sciences with enhanced skills in innovation, project management and team leadership. The sessions are practically oriented, interactive and introduce participants to methods they can implement immediately in their research projects.

This event is held in the fall during even numbered years.

The workshop will take place 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., October 16, 23 and 30, 2024, in Mason Hall on the Fisher Business Campus. Faculty from all ranks are encouraged to apply by August 1, 2024.

Research Mentoring Training

Are you a faculty mentor or would you like to be a mentor? 

The Clinical and Translational Science Institutes (CTSI) presents up to three mentoring workshops a year to develop your competency as a mentor. The training is designed to help faculty who mentor early career researchers, whether junior faculty, postdoctoral trainees or graduate students to become more effective research and career mentors. 

The two-session workshop uses a case-based, discussion-oriented curriculum designed by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER). CIMER develops theoretically-grounded, evidence-based and culturally-responsive training materials. The training is designed to help faculty who mentor early career researchers, especially junior faculty, to become more effective research and career mentors. A randomized controlled trial of this mentoring curriculum demonstrated that this training improved the skills of mentors. 

Topics include:

  • Approaches to research mentoring  
  • Maintaining effective communications  
  • Assessing understanding 
  • Establishing expectations  
  • Addressing diversity 
  • Promoting professional development
  • Fostering independence

Clinical and Translational Research Seminar Series

The Clinical and Translational Research Seminar Series is for predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees and early career clinical and translational scientists.